A special election to form and fund the Ballpark Denver General Improvement District will be held via USPS, with ballots being mailed October 14, 2024 and being due by 7:00 PM on Election Day - Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Two questions will be posed on the ballot:
- Ballot Question A asks voters to vote yes or no to the formation of the Ballpark Denver General Improvement District
- Ballot Question B asks voters to vote yes or no to fund the Ballpark General Improvement District at a rate not to exceed 5 mills on the assessed value of both commercial and residential property in the district
A sample ballot, mailing envelope and return envelope are shown below.
As this is a special district special election, ballots must be returned via mail and CANNOT be dropped in ballot boxes.
If you own residential or commercial property, or are a registered voter within the boundaries of the Ballpark GID, you are eligible to vote in this election.
If you own property within your own name or are a registered voter, you will automatically be mailed a ballot.
If you own property in a corporate entity or trust, you must complete a Designation of Elector Form to designate either yourself or somebody else to receive a ballot on behalf of that entity. Designation of Elector forms can be requested here.