Our opportunity.
Ballpark United a champion for Ballpark residents, businesses, property owners and social organizations, raising money through sponsorship, membership and other fundraising to invest in the community. Funding ebbs and flows, however… making it hard to plan and invest in longer-term initiatives. In looking at how to create a more sustainable program of support for the future, we have identified a tool called a General Improvement District (GID) to help bring together every stakeholder and create a thoughtful way for them to invest in Ballpark – our community.
What can we do, together?
Individually, we have finite resources to invest beyond the cost of simply owning and managing our properties. Alone, we have little time to advocate for our community to the city, and beyond. Together, however? Our singular dollar turns into thousands. Our lone voice turns into a chorus pushing for the same things. We have strength together in innumerable ways, and with this we believe we can:
- Create a collective voice to accomplish the long-term goals of the district, including advocacy on local policy initiatives, ongoing future planning and development issues, coordination with partners in and around Ballpark and staff that works for the community.
- Support our community members by coordinating resources with all our stakeholders to ensure this district is safe and secure, and to work with the City of Denver and our social service agencies to find innovative solutions to support those experiencing homeless. Ballpark should be a safe and welcoming place for everyone living here, working here and visiting here.
- Strengthen our local economy, advocating for our business community and coordinating services such as maintenance and security to lessen the cost of doing business here while creating more opportunities for local businesses to thrive.
- Provide comprehensive maintenance, tackling not only consistent upkeep of our sidewalks and public spaces, but a continued investment in ensuring the public realm has light, shade and amenities for all.
- Define and establish a compelling sense of place, an environment that invites exploration, engagement, lingering and playing. Together we can create safer streets and more accessible spaces, we can bring light to the environment and make greening it a priority. We can enliven our community with investments for all.