A GID only happens if we work as a community to make it a reality. So, where do we start? 

  • First, together we agree on what we want to achieve in Ballpark, what we want to fund, where we want to deliver services and how we want to move our collective priorities forward. 
  • Then, we sign petitions in support of the plan.
  • Those petitions are turned over to the City of Denver to review. A public hearing is held at City Council. Together, we ask City Council to approve and create the Ballpark GID.
  • In November 2024, we hold a special election to allow the GID to assess property owners within the GID boundaries a special fee to fund the improvements outlined in the GID plan.


Below is the proposed timeline to establish the Ballpark GID:

October – December 2023

Outreach to Ballpark stakeholders to discuss the GID, understand priorities and develop a conceptual operating plan for the district

January – February 2024

Stakeholder forums and discussions to finalize the GID Operating Plan and prepare for petition outreach

March – May 2024

Collection of petition signatures to support the GID

June – August 2024

City Council creation Process for the GID, including first and second reading, public hearing and creation ordinance

August – September 2024

Preparation for the GID election

October 2024

GID ballots mailed

November 5, 2024

GID ballots due, counted

January 1, 2025

GID begins assessments, operations